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Empowering and thought-provoking, Creating Your Heaven on Earth reminds us of the joy of living in the moment and of our creative potential to shape our world. Illustrated with insightful and touching stories this uplifting book captures the reader with its clarity of language and its profound messages. Author Meagan M. O'Nan holds two Masters degrees in the field of Disability and is completing her certification in Spiritual Life Coaching. Her belief that all people have a Divine nature and that everyone is capable of achieving their souls dreams is reflected throughout the pages of her book.

What people are saying:
"Meagan M. O'Nan possesses the ability to write and discuss timeless topics of philosophy and personal growth in such a warm and supportive manner that even the most negative critics of self help books would likely fall under her spell. Her well guided tour to discovering and accepting the concept of universal unity, be that the following of Buddha, Jesus, Mohammad, or whatever name is attached to the All Knowing Divine, is that Love is the median of Life, and that learning to 'live in the moment' can disperse the negativism that clouds our lives. 
"O'Nan peppers her short book with many personal experiences drawn from her fields of training in Disability and in being a Spiritual Life Coach, and yet she goes further than that. 'During one of my toughest moments, after telling my family that I was dating a woman, I needed some reassurance that I was okay just the way I was. It wasn't easy determining the path to my peace until I began to conclude that Divine love is unconditional...that no religion could determine the fate of my spirit after this personal life.' It is this kind of honesty that draws the reader into this book and encourages us to believe that we are capable of CREATING YOUR HEAVEN ON EARTH: Unveiling the Truth that Was Always There. Meagan O'Nan gently offers insights that go far beyond the borders of 'organized religion', finding the similarities in all philosophies that appreciate the importance of Love in all its permutations."
Grady Harp, February 09

"Meagan M. O'Nan's little book, Creating Heaven on Earth: Unveiling the Truth that Was Always There, is a power-packed devotional for unconventional spiritual seekers. In 11 short chapters, O'Nan offers practical wisdom for a life filled with peace and purpose. She does not offer pat answers but simple ones---and those are often the most profound. She encourages readers to live in the present, to seek the Divine within, and to discover the Divine in others. This idea isn't new - it is the cornerstone of Buddhism and the beautiful concept of Namaste. But O'Nan offers this wisdom in a manner that is more easily accessible to most people than Eastern philosophy or religions. 
"Her concepts can be applied by anyone from any spiritual path - and that is the beauty of her book. She does not give readers narrow definitions of spiritual concepts nor does she say that the book is the ultimate answer for everyone or that she is a guru who must be followed and obeyed to the letter. She doesn't even speak of the Divine in black and white terms, preferring to offer several different constructs: God, Higher Power, the Divine, Love. From the first pages of the introduction and repeatedly throughout the chapters, O'Nan reminds readers that this is what she has learned from her experience and offers it to readers in the hope that they will experience the joy of living she has had through her practice of these simple concepts. 
​"I really appreciated this book because of O'Nan's broader approach to spirituality and the readability of the book. Creating Your Heaven on Earth: Unveiling the Truth that Was Always There will become a permanent part of my spiritual library as a book that I will take with me into meditation, pondering further on an idea, a turn of phrase, or a spiritual concept. Thank you, Meagan M. O'Nan for writing a straightforward spiritual book that doesn't preach."
Midwest Book Review (Janie Franz)


    Creating Your Heaven On Earth: Unveiling The Truth That Was Always There

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